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Throughout the years, I have acquired many books. Though I’m picky about the books that I keep on my bookshelf. I’m not a fan of keeping books that don’t leave any sort of impact on me, well because what’s the point? For the most part, I would take my ‘retired’ books to either Good Will, leave them on the ‘Free Book Shelf‘ at my previous job, or give out books that I know would resonate better with someone else that I know. However, now with COVID, the lack of daily social activities and starting a new job, my pile has just been increasing and occupying space that I simply just don’t have.
I never thought that I would end up having a career in Publishing. Honestly, I don’t think that the possibility ever crossed my mind. Like many, I never contemplated the book making process; books were just there. I guess I held books as being a part of a magical world, and lets be real, they pretty much are. Books are filled with pages that link us to stories that take us away from our current realities or draw us a path to information and insight that we further wish to explore. Books entice emotions before, during and after the reading journey: mystery, excitement, joy, sadness, bewilderment, fear. Books challenge us and deep down, I believe that I always knew this.
If you're not somewhat awake right now, then I suggest that you take a good look in the mirror and ask yourself, why? The live murder of George Floyd has sent out an electric shock to many individuals, causing us to wake-up from the ways in which we have been functioning, for decades. We all have our stories of how we were shaped into who we are, today. Many have been blinded by their privilege; benefiting from its glory, others aware of their privilege, but unsure as to what it means; some are born into an oppressive system, others assimilate to the injustices in their societies, most likely causing a variety of continuous external and internal battles, and there are those that are completely lost; struggling with their racial/and or ethnic identity.